Bill was a devoted nudist who dedicated his life to ensuring the security of the future of nude recreation. The nudist community will always remember the loss of a great leader, friend, mentor, advocate, and visionary. Bill’s accomplishments are noteworthy and abundant; he served as the Vice President of AANR, was an AANR-East official, and pioneered the AANR Youth Leadership Camps and was a much-loved presence at as many camps as possible.
In a day and age when our youth are many times looked down upon as disrespectful and disruptive, Bill made sure to spend time with the youth around him and esteem them with dignity by listening and speaking to them as his equals. In his eyes, youth are not problems but are the future of Nude Recreation who needed to be loved and taught. Where others saw overactive children, Bill saw individuals with ambition and energy who would fight for our clothes-free rights. With this approach, Bill became a beloved grandfather figure to children throughout the region, especially those who others had given up on. Bill has left each of us with one last challenge: to carry on with the cause with the passion that he modeled to all he knew. In doing so, Bill will live on and continue to impact the future of Nude Recreation
His many awards included the 2004 AANR-East Man of the Year, the AANR-East Lifetime Achievement Award in 2006, and the AANR-East 2009 Family of the Year with his wife, Mary (Williamson) Fleck. In 2012B ill received the AANR Hall of Fame Award posthumously. Bill unquestionably had a dramatic impact on the world of nude recreation. Those who knew Bill, knew that he never defined himself by his many awards and achievements. Instead, he focused on each person he encountered with respect and dignity, both listening to their ideas and advocating for advancement of his many projects.
Discussions surrounding Nude Recreation were never brief. Bill had a lot to say and his ideas were well-formulated, in-depth, and filled with hope. Light conversation was foreign to Bill and he claimed every opportunity possible to educate others and challenge them to action. To Bill, inaction was simply unacceptable. Instead, he was an example of taking action when needed and establishing methods of making positive strides toward greater acceptance of nudism. He never failed to take a moment to educate, encourage, and assist in the lives of those around him always seeing the good in every person, Bill never failed to acknowledge the efforts of others through personal words of encouragement and nominations for awards within his region.
The AANR-East Youth Leadership Camp was a vision from Bill Williamson, a life-long member of AANR-East and a visionary for the future of social nudity. Bill was inspired while visiting Florida’s youth camp. AANR-East
Camp is a way to teach leadership skills and deal with peer pressure while having fun in the sun. The leadership workshops presented to the campers each day are open for discussion at the end of the workshop and play a significant role in the camper’s leadership skills. The big emphasis of our camp is “LEADERSHIP.” The campers gain confidence in themselves and respect for each other daily.
AANR-East week-long, overnight camp is for campers ages 11-17. Campers get to meet other kids that enjoy social nudity. The campers’ workshops give them life lessons and prepare them for the future and decisions they will be making along the way. The leadership skills they learn will keep social nudity growing.
One camper stated that she “has learned to love herself and that cloths and the textile world do not define who I am, who I am is defined by my personality.”
THAT is the power of AANR-East Leadership Camp.
Camper’s Essay Contest: Current Year of essay winners [PDF]
Letter To All Parents regarding Camp[PDF]
Parent Release [PDF]
Youth Code of Conduct [PDF]
Items to Bring to Camp [PDF]